Ah, the season of Mother’s Day is upon us! It’s that time of the year when gift offers and special deals flood every nook and cranny, making us all wonder: amidst the whirlwind of flowers and chocolates, do we truly understand what it means to honor a mother, especially an Indian mom?
Let’s take a moment to appreciate these remarkable beings. Indian moms aren’t just moms; they’re the CEOs of our households, the commanders of our chaos, the glue that holds our families together. They effortlessly manage the kids, the house, the in-laws, the neighbors, and everything in between. It’s like they have a PhD in multitasking, with a specialization in “How to Run a Household 101.”

Take my mom, for instance. She’s a real-life superhero who starts her day at 4 am, tackles two jobs, ensures a piping hot meal for the entire clan (including the extended family), and somehow manages to fulfill every social commitment on weekends. She’s taught me resilience, the value of hard work, and the importance of dedication—all without a second thought.
But here’s the kicker: amidst the chaos and the craziness, I’ve never once heard my mom complain about needing “me-time” or a break. Nope, those concepts are as foreign to her as a polar bear in the Sahara. She gives her all, every single day, without expecting anything in return. Our moms are the epitome of selflessness, pouring their hearts into every task, big or small. They’ve nurtured us, guided us, and shaped us into the individuals we are today. Their love knows no bounds, and their sacrifices often go unnoticed. But you know what? Our moms deserve so much more than a simple hug or a “thank you.” They deserve to be celebrated, cherished, and pampered—not just on Mother’s Day, but every day. It’s time we show our appreciation in more tangible ways, whether it’s treating them to a spa day, cooking their favorite meal, or simply spending quality time together reminiscing about the good ol’ days.

As we celebrate the incredible legacy of our mothers and the sacrifices they made, it’s time to acknowledge the unique challenges and triumphs of modern-day motherhood. For us millennial moms, the landscape looks a bit different. We’re navigating a world of career aspirations, parenting dilemmas, and the relentless pursuit of ‘having it all’—all while balancing on the tightrope of our own expectations. Gone are the days of the extended family swooping in to save the day; now, it’s just us, Google, and a prayer.”
But you know what? In the midst of this chaos, there’s beauty. There’s an opportunity to build a tribe, a community of moms who’ve got each other’s backs. Let’s reach out, lend a hand, share our stories, and maybe even share a few laughs (and maybe some wine) along the way.

So, here’s to us, the modern-day superheroes in leggings and messy buns. Here’s to our moms, the OG superheroes who paved the way. And here’s to a future where every mom feels supported, understood, and celebrated—because when moms support moms, amazing things happen.
Happy Mother’s Day, my fellow warriors. Let’s rock this!